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In den beiden folgenden Listen sind die erhältlichen bzw. geplanten PowerPC-Programme aufgeführt.
Erhältliche PowerPC-Programme:
Produkt (Kernel: P=PowerUp, W=WarpOS) | Info, Download oder Aminet-Pfad |
8hz-mp3 (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
ADescentPPC (P) | www.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de/~jakob/ |
Adom_PPC (P) | game/role/Adom_PPC.lha |
ADoomPPC (P) | game/shoot/ADoomPPC#? |
AkJFIF (P/W) | http://wdo.de/ark/ |
AkLJPG (P) | util/dtype/akLJPG-dt.lha |
AkPNG (P/W) | http://wdo.de/ark/ |
AkTIFF (P/W) | http://wdo.de/ark/ |
AmigaAMP (P) | mus/play/AmigaAMP11.lha |
AmigaVGBPPC (P) | misc/emu/AmigaVGBPPC.lha |
AmiGNUtar (P) | util/arc/AmiGNUtar.lha |
AmiHeretic (W) | game/shoot/AmiHeretic.lha |
AmiSOX3.3PPC (P) | mus/edit/AmiSOX3.3PPC.lha |
AMP (P) | www.amidog.com/amp/ |
AngbandPPC (P) | game/role/AngbandPPC.lha |
arcPPC (P) | util/arc/arcPPC.lha |
ArtEffect PowerUp Effects (W) | www.haage-partner.com |
ArtStudio (P) | www.titancomputer.de |
AtariPPC (W) | misc/emu/AtariPPC.lha |
athrust (W) | game/shoot/athrust.lha |
BarflyDisk2_00 (P) | dev/asm/BarflyDisk2_00.lha |
base64 (P) | util/arc/base64.lha |
base64WOS (W) | util/arc/base64WOS.lha |
Benoit (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
BurnIt (P) | www.titancomputer.de/burnit/ |
bzip (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
bzip2 (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
bzip2PPC (W) | util/arc/bzip2PPC.lha |
CandyPPC (P) | gfx/edit/candyPPC.lha |
CDCat (P) | util/misc, CDCat30.lha |
ChngPPCTaskPri (P) | util/cli/ChngPPCTaskPri.lha |
chunkyppc (W) | gfx/board/chunkyppc.lha |
clibpdf (W) | dev/c/clibpdf.lha |
codegroup (P) | util/arc/codegroup.lha |
codegroupWOS (W) | util/arc/codegrWOS.lha |
crcPPC (P) | dev/c/crcPPC.lha |
crcWOS (W) | dev/c/crcWOS.lha |
CreateMPEG (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
crystalPPC.lha (P) | game/demo/crystalPPC.lha |
crystupd.lha (P) | game/demo/crystupd.lha |
CyberGraphX-Libraries (P) | www.vgr.com/v3/ |
Cybermand (W) | www.haage-partner.com/wu_form.htm |
Cybermap | enthalten in: biz/p5/68060#? |
DBPro (P) | mus/edit/DBPro#? |
DeMimePPC (P) | util/arc/DeMimePPC.lha |
DeMimeWOS (W) | util/arc/DeMimeWOS.lha |
DhrystonePPC (P) | util/moni/DhrystonePPC.lha |
DiamondPPC (P) | demo/aga/DiamondPPC.lha |
EGCS (P/W) | user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~paladin/ |
EGCSWOSAlib (W) | dev/c/EGCSWOSAlib.lha |
Elastic Dreams (P) | www.titancomputer.de |
EncodeWOS (W) | mus/misc/EncodeWOS.lha |
ETM (W) | demo/sound/ETM.lha |
Fantastic Dreams (P) | www.titancomputer.de |
FrodoPPC (W) | misc/emu/FrodoPPC.lha |
FrodoPPCPUP (P) | misc/emu/FrodoPPCPUP.lha |
Frogger (P) | gfx/show/frogger.lha |
GGUUcode (P) | util/arc/GGUUcode.lha |
gguuwos (W) | util/arc/gguuwos.lha |
GNU-C-Compiler (P) | CD zu PowerUp-Boards |
gsmPPC (P) | util/pack/gsmPPC.lha |
gzip (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
Heretic (P) | game/shoot/Heretic.lha |
hscPPC (P) | text/hyper/hscPPC.lha |
Imagine (W) | www.cadtech.demon.co.uk |
InsideDeluxe (P) | demo/intro/InsideDeluxe.lha |
Irit (P) | gfx/3d/irit#? |
IsisPPC (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
ixemul.library (P) | www.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de/~jakob/ |
jpeg tools (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
JPEG-Box (P) | gfx/conv/JPEG-Box.lha |
jpegoptim (P) | www.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de/~jakob/ |
JPEGWOS (W) | gfx/con/JPEGWOS.lha |
Lamer (P) | linux.tc3net.com/cstar/lame/index.html |
LhA (P) | ftp.phase5.de/pub/ppc/lha_ppc.lha |
Linux (P) | sunsite.auc.dk/ftp/pub/os/linux/apus/ |
LS-SPD5P (P) | util/misc/LS-SPD5P.lha |
Lucas (P) | misc/math/Lucas.lha |
LW Show (P) | www.vgr.com/lwshow |
M.A.M.E (P) | misc/emu/mameppc.lha |
MasterGear (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
mcvertPPC (P) | util/arc/mcvertPPC.lha |
mcvertWOS (W) | util/arc/mcvertWOS.lha |
med2xm (P) | mus/misc/med2xm.lha |
mega4PPC (P) | demo/mega/mega4PPC.lha |
Memtest (P) | CD zu PowerUp-Boards |
MESS (P) | www.stud.ntnu.no/~matsha/messppc.lha |
mime64 (P) | util/arc/mime64.lha |
mime64WOS (W) | util/arc/mime64WOS.lha |
monzoom 3D (P) | www.oberland.com |
mpackPPC (P) | util/arc/mpackPPC.lha |
mpackWOS (W) | util/arc/mpackWOS.lha |
mpeg2decode (P) | gfx/show/mpeg2decode.lha |
mpeg2decodeWOS (W) | gfx/show/mpeg2decodeWOS.lha |
mpega-WarpUP (W) | util/libs/mpega-WarpUP.lha |
mpega_library (P) | util/libs/mpega_library.lha |
mpeginoutPPC (P) | mus/misc/mpeginoutPPC.lha |
mpegPPC (W) | gfx/conv/mpegPPC.lha |
mpg123 (P) | www.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de/~jakob/ |
MusicIn (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
MWI-Absolon (P) | demo/aga/MWI-Absolon#? |
NBench (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
OglBench (W) | gfx/3d/OglBench.lha |
PasTeX_PPC (P) | text/tex/PasTeX_PPC.lha |
PCD_Manager (P) | gfx/conv/PCD_Manager.lha |
pcemu (P) | misc/emu/pcemu#? |
PictureManager (P) | www.irseesoft.com |
Plane (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
PNG-Box (P) | gfx/conv/PNG-Box.lha |
POVRay3 (P) | www.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de/~jakob/ |
PowerSearch (P) | disk/cdrom/PowerSearch.lha |
PowerView (P) | www.mds.mdh.se/~adb94fwk/ |
PPaint-Blitter-Library (P) | biz/cloan/PBlit_PPC.lha |
ppcasmpk (P) | dev/asm/ppcasmpk#? |
PPCbwb (P) | dev/lang/PPCbwb#? |
PPCcforth (P) | dev/lang/PPCcforth.lha |
PPCDeTar (P) | util/arc/PPCDeTar.lha |
PPCDeTarWOS (W) | util/arc/PPCDeTarWOS.lha |
ppcEdev (P) | dev/e/ppcEdev.lha |
PPCGNUtar (P) | util/arc/PPCGNUtar#? |
PPCjpeg (W) | gfx/show/PPCjpeg.lha |
ppclibemu (W) | devnull.owl.de/~frank/ |
PPCLimbo (P) | gfx/conv/PPCLimbo.lha |
PPCLimboCWOS (W) | gfx/conv/PPCLimboCWOS.lha |
ppcmathlib (W) | dev/c/ppcmathlib.lha |
PPCMpegPlayer (P) | CD zu PowerUp-Boards |
PPCnroff (P) | text/misc/PPCnroff.lha |
PPCsiod (P) | dev/lang/PPCsiod.lha |
PPCSmallEiffel (P) | dev/lang/PPCSmallEiffel.lha |
PPCsmalltalk (P) | dev/lang/PPCsmalltalk.lha |
PPCtbl_lwc.lha (P) | dev/src/PPCtbl_lwc.lha |
PPCtinyprolog (P) | dev/lang/PPCtinyprolog.lha |
PPCTool (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
PPCtroepfel (P) | misc/sci/PPCtroepfel.lha |
PPCUnACE (P) | util/arc/PPCUnACE.lha |
PPCUnACEWOS (W) | util/arc/PPCUnACEWOS.lha |
PPCUnArj (P) | util/arc/PPCUnArj#? |
PPCUnArjWOS (W) | util/arc/PPCUnArjWOS.lha |
PPCunlzx (P) | util/arc/PPCunlzx.lha |
PPCUnTGZ (P) | util/arc/PPCUnTGZ.lha |
PPCUnTGZWOS (W) | util/arc/PPCUnTGZWOS.lha |
PPCuucoders (P) | comm/mail/PPCuucoders.lha |
PPCUUWOS (W) | util/arc/PPCUUWOS.lha |
PPCxDMS (P) | util/arc/PPCxDMS.lha |
PPCxDMSWOS (W) | util/arc/PPCxDMSWOS.lha |
ppunpackPPC (P) | util/arc/ppunpackPPC.lha |
PPUnpackWOS (W) | util/arc/PPUnpackWOS.lha |
PreludeAMP (P) | mus/play/preludeamp#? |
pview3D (P) | gfx/3d/pview3D.lha |
QBist (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
QMap (P) | gfx/aga/QMap.lha |
qmapWOS (W) | gfx/aga/qmapWOS.lha |
QuakePPC (P) | "inoffizielle" Quellen |
raylabwos (W) | gfx/3d/raylabwos.lha |
raystorm_ppc (W) | gfx/3d/raystorm_ppc.lha |
RC5 (P) | distributed.amiga.org |
Ripley (P) | |
rippleWOS (W) | gfx/misc/rippleWOS.lha |
rtgmaster.library (W) | gfx/board/rtgmaster_user.lha bzw. /rtgmaster_dev.lha |
SD-PPC (P) | util/cli/SD-PPC.lha |
SD-WARP (W) | util/cli/SD-WARP.lha |
Set60nsMode | www.vgr.com/ppc/set60nsmode.lha |
SetFastAvec | www.vgr.com/ppc/setfastavec.lha |
sfwjpg (P) | gfx/conv/sfwjpg.lha |
SIP (P) | util/moni/SIP.lha |
SManPPC (P) | gfx/fract/smanppcb2.lha |
SM_Bounce_PPC (W) | biz/haage/SM_Bounce_PPC.lha |
SM_Morph3D_PPC (W) | biz/haage/SM_Morph3D_PPC.lha |
SM_Olympic_PPC (W) | biz/haage/SM_Olympic_PPC.lha |
SM_Wave_PPC (W) | biz/haage/SM_Wave_PPC.lha |
SPCRecordPPC (P) | misc/emu/SPCRecordPPC.lha |
splitmpgPPC (W) | gfx/misc/splitmpgPPC.lha |
splitmpgWOS (W) | gfx/misc/splitmpgWOS.lha |
sploinerppc (P/W) | misc/unix/sploinerppc.lha |
stego (P) | util/crypt/stego.lha |
StormC (W) | www.haage-partner.com |
StormMesa (W) | www.haage-partner.com |
StormPowerASM (W) | www.haage-partner.com |
SuperView PowerUP-Libraries (P) | gfx/show/svppc#? |
SysSpeed (W) | util/moni/sspeed#? |
timidity (P) | www.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de/~jakob/ |
Tornado3D (P) | Fachhandel (Info auf www.tornado3d.com) |
Tottogol2 (P) | misc/misc/Tottogol2.lha |
TrueReality (P) | www.amidog.com/n64/ |
TurboPrint Prof. (P) | www.irseesoft.com |
UAE (P) | www.ph-cip.uni-koeln.de/~jakob/ |
ucb_logoPPC (P) | dev/lang/ucb_logoPPC.lha |
UltraConvert (P) | innovative.in-tec.de/uconv |
unlzx (P) | util/pack/unlzx.lha |
UnLzxWOS (W) | util/arc/UnLzxWOS.lha |
UnRAR (P) | util/arc/UnRAR.lha |
unrarWOS (W) | util/arc/unrarWOS.lha |
UnSharPPC (P) | util/arc/UnSharPPC.lha |
UnSharWOS (W) | util/arc/UnSharWOS.lha |
V (P) | www.multimania.com/allenbra/amiga/ |
V2600PPC (W) | misc/emu/V2600PPC.lha |
VAEDiesPPC_WOS (W) | demo/aga/VAEDiesPPC_WOS.lha |
VAGhostPPC_WOS (W) | demo/aga/VAGhostPPC_WOS.lha |
VAxen (P) | game/shoot/VAxen.lha |
VA_EDiesPPC (P) | demo/aga/VA_EDiesPPC.lha |
VA_Field (P) | demo/aga/VA_Field.lha |
VA_GhostPPC (P) | demo/aga/VA_GhostPPC.lha |
VA_OffShore (P) | demo/aga/VA_OffShore.lha |
VA_PPCDemosFix (P) | demo/aga/VA_PPCDemosFix.lha |
vbcc (P) | dev/c/vbcc_ppc.lha |
vbcc (W) | devnull.owl.de/~frank/ |
VDoomPPC (P) | game/shoot/VDoomPPC.lha |
vgbppc (P) | misc/emu/vgbppc.lha |
vgbwos (W) | misc/emu/vgbwos.lha |
Viewtool (P) | gfx/show/Viewtool.lha |
vMac (P) | misc/emu/vMac_bin.lha bzw. /vMac_src.lha |
VoxelRaceWOS (W) | game/misc/VoxelRaceWOS.lha |
Warp3D (W) | www.haage-partner.com |
WarpAMP (W) | mus/play/WarpAMP.lha |
WarpHexen (W) | game/shoot/WarpHexen.lha |
WarpOS (was wohl? :-) ) | www.haage-partner.com/wu_form.htm |
warpsnes (W) | misc/emu/warpsnes.lha |
WarpSpeed Oberon (W) | www.amigaworld.com/support/oberon |
WarpViewAGA (W) | gfx/show/WarpViewAGA.lha |
WarpViewPPC (W) | gfx/show/WarpViewPPC.lha |
Wildfire (P) | Demo: biz/demo/wildfire7#? |
WolfPac (P) | game/misc/WolfPac#? |
WolfPacWOS (W) | game/misc/WolfPacWOS.lha |
xbinPPC (P) | util/arc/xbinPPC.lha |
xbinWOS (W) | util/arc/xbinWOS.lha |
X-DVE (W) | www.haage-partner.com |
XelasoftCrunch (P) | util/arc/XelasoftCrunch.lha |
xpkbZIP.library (P) | studserver.uni-dortmund.de/~su0583/ |
yacoder (P) | util/arc/yacoder.lha |
ZangbandPPC (P) | game/role/ZangbandPPC.lha |
ZhaDoom (W) | game/shoot/ZhaDoomPPC.lha |
ZipPPC (P) | util/arc/ZipPPC.lha |
ZLibWOS (W) | dev/src/ZlibWOS.lha |
ZooPPC (P) | util/arc/ZooPPC.lha |
Angekündigte PowerPC-Programme (Achtung: Diese Liste wird nicht mehr erweitert!):
Product | Info |
Adorage | www.prodad.de |
AHI | www.phase5.de/products/statement/puplistd.html |
Alladin4D | www.novadesign.com |
AMIGAWriter | www.haage-partner.com / info@haage-partner.com |
AmiWin | www.phase5.de/products/statement/puplistd.html |
ArtEffect | www.haage-partner.com / info@haage-partner.com |
Betrayed | www.auroraworks.com/ |
CDCat | www.amigaworld.com/support/cdcat |
Claws of the devil | www.vossnet.de/titanhb/ |
CyberGL | www.phase5.de |
Decision-Reihe (Büro-Anwendungen) | - |
Eagle Linux | www.eagle-cp.com |
Escape towards the Unknown | Hurricane Software |
Explorer 2260 | www.worldfoundry.home.ml.org |
Fusion | www.ctaz.com/~msdei |
IBrowse (PlugIns) | www.phase5.de/products/statement/puplistd.html |
ImageFX | www.novadesign.com |
MathX | - |
Monument 3D | www.prodad.de |
Moria 3D | - |
MPEGA | www.info.univ-angers.fr/~puerto/raphael tavenard@xiii.univ-angers.fr |
PCTask | www.ozemail.com.au/~pctask |
PersonalPaint | www.cloanto.com / info@cloanto.com |
QT | marcus@lysator.liu.se |
Real3D | www.didgmbh.com / didgmbh@aol.com |
Samplitude | www.phase5.de/products/statement/puplistd.html |
The Digitale Universe | www.syz.com/DU/amigacd.html |
Total Combustion | www.vossnet.de/titanhb/ |
Trauma Zero | - |
WaveTracer DS | - |
World Construction Set | home.t-online.de/home/renderland/ |
X-Trace | - |
Achtung, Software-Entwickler: Ihr geplantes oder bereits entwickeltes PPC- Programm ist hier nicht aufgeführt? Dann melden Sie sich bitte bei mir (E- Mail: aakt@gmx.de), damit ich es in die richtige Liste eintragen kann!